Evaluation form mediation Filled in by (not required) Which mediator guided you?* —Please choose an option—mr. drs. Caroline Kloppersmr. Nienke Wiersmamr. Dirk-Jan BenderMark Veermansmr. Renate Kerkhofmr. Roos Louwenmr. Giel JanssensPeter Kelletermr. Dianne van Moerkerk To what extent did you experience the mediation process as meaningful? Make a choice not useful at all niet zinvol neutral somewhat meaningful very meaningful Would you like to explain your answer to this question? How satisfied are you with the impartiality of the mediator? Make a choice very unsatisfied unsatisfied neutral satisfied very satisfied How satisfied are you with the way in which the mediator has monitored progress? Make a choice very unsatisfied unsatisfied neutral satisfied very satisfied Do you have any further comments about the way in which the mediator supervised the mediation?